Boost Your Business With Unrivalled Solutions And Service
Set your business apart with impressive connectivity packages that work as hard as you do. If you want speedy, dependable WiFi, choose limpoWiFi.
limpoWiFi’s extensive packages help your team communicate, collaborate, and succeed. With seamless connection that supports all business functions, you can amaze stakeholders with lightning fast comms. Offices across Limpopo trust us to keep their businesses plugged into the wider world. Join them and experience unparalleled support with our live chat option and remote support.
Access uncapped Wireless that empowers your organisation to do more. With us, you can enjoy tailor-made solutions that take your unique requirements into account. We serve office parks, restaurants, NGOs, schools, and more, and also offer Wireless solutions for offices in rural areas.
Supercharge Your Work And Play
Discover what packages you qualify for by checking the internet coverage in your area. We also curate custom solutions for rural homes and businesses – get in touch with our helpful team today and unlock connectivity no matter where you live!
Wireless Packages
Go further with speedy, secure WiFi that never disappoints. Thanks to our reliable, uncapped Wireless internet solutions, even your teenager will be impressed!
Epic Essentials
Wifi Package
Per Month
+ Once-Off Installation R2 400
10 Mbps Download | 10 Mbps Upload
Empower your
team with quick
Swift Surf
Wifi PAckage
Per Month
+ Once-Off Installation R2 400
20 Mbps Download | 20 Mbps Upload
Impress clients, employees, and guests with ultra-fast internet.
Premium Pro
Wifi Package
Per Month
+ Once-Off Installation R2 400
30 Mbps Download | 30 Mbps Upload
Unleash rapid online power that keeps your business moving.
Wireless Wonder
Wifi Package
Per Month
+ Once-Off Installation R2 400
40 Mbps Download | 40 Mbps Upload
Work at the speed of thought and beat out the competition!